Security Properties for Stack Safety

by   Sean Noble Anderson, et al.

What exactly does "stack safety" mean? The phrase is associated with a variety of compiler, run-time, and hardware mechanisms for protecting stack memory. But these mechanisms typically lack precise specifications, relying instead on informal descriptions and examples of bad behaviors that they prevent. We propose a formal characterization of stack safety, formulated with concepts from language-based security: a combination of an integrity property ("the private state in each caller's stack frame is held invariant by the callee"), a confidentiality property ("the callee's behavior is insensitive to the caller's private state"), and a well-bracketedness property ("each callee returns control to its immediate caller"). We use these properties to validate the stack-safety "micro-policies" proposed by Roessler and DeHon [2018]. Specifically, we check (with property-based random testing) that Roessler and Dehon's "eager" micro-policy, which catches violations as early as possible, enforces a simple "stepwise" variant of our properties and correctly detects several broken variants, and that (a repaired version of) their more performant "lazy" micro-policy corresponds to a slightly weaker and more extensional "observational" variant of our properties.


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