Shortcut Partitions in Minor-Free Graphs: Steiner Point Removal, Distance Oracles, Tree Covers, and More

by   Hsien-Chih Chang, et al.

The notion of shortcut partition, introduced recently by Chang, Conroy, Le, Milenković, Solomon, and Than [CCLMST23], is a new type of graph partition into low-diameter clusters. Roughly speaking, the shortcut partition guarantees that for every two vertices u and v in the graph, there exists a path between u and v that intersects only a few clusters. They proved that any planar graph admits a shortcut partition and gave several applications, including a construction of tree cover for arbitrary planar graphs with stretch 1+ε and O(1) many trees for any fixed ε∈ (0,1). However, the construction heavily exploits planarity in multiple steps, and is thus inherently limited to planar graphs. In this work, we breach the "planarity barrier" to construct a shortcut partition for K_r-minor-free graphs for any r. To this end, we take a completely different approach – our key contribution is a novel deterministic variant of the cop decomposition in minor-free graphs [And86, AGG14]. Our shortcut partition for K_r-minor-free graphs yields several direct applications. Most notably, we construct the first optimal distance oracle for K_r-minor-free graphs, with 1+ε stretch, linear space, and constant query time for any fixed ε∈ (0,1). The previous best distance oracle [AG06] uses O(nlog n) space and O(log n) query time, and its construction relies on Robertson-Seymour structural theorem and other sophisticated tools. We also obtain the first tree cover of O(1) size for minor-free graphs with stretch 1+ε, while the previous best (1+ε)-tree cover has size O(log^2 n) [BFN19].


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