Signed Support Recovery for Single Index Models in High-Dimensions

by   Matey Neykov, et al.

In this paper we study the support recovery problem for single index models Y=f(X^β,ε), where f is an unknown link function, X∼ N_p(0,I_p) and β is an s-sparse unit vector such that β_i∈{±1/√(s),0}. In particular, we look into the performance of two computationally inexpensive algorithms: (a) the diagonal thresholding sliced inverse regression (DT-SIR) introduced by Lin et al. (2015); and (b) a semi-definite programming (SDP) approach inspired by Amini & Wainwright (2008). When s=O(p^1-δ) for some δ>0, we demonstrate that both procedures can succeed in recovering the support of β as long as the rescaled sample size κ=n/s(p-s) is larger than a certain critical threshold. On the other hand, when κ is smaller than a critical value, any algorithm fails to recover the support with probability at least 1/2 asymptotically. In other words, we demonstrate that both DT-SIR and the SDP approach are optimal (up to a scalar) for recovering the support of β in terms of sample size. We provide extensive simulations, as well as a real dataset application to help verify our theoretical observations.


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