SkipNode: On Alleviating Over-smoothing for Deep Graph Convolutional Networks

by   Weigang Lu, et al.

Over-smoothing is a challenging problem, which degrades the performance of deep graph convolutional networks (GCNs). However, existing studies for alleviating the over-smoothing problem lack either generality or effectiveness. In this paper, we analyze the underlying issues behind the over-smoothing problem, i.e., feature-diversity degeneration, gradient vanishing, and model weights over-decaying. Inspired by this, we propose a simple yet effective plug-and-play module, SkipNode, to alleviate over-smoothing. Specifically, for each middle layer of a GCN model, SkipNode randomly (or based on node degree) selects nodes to skip the convolutional operation by directly feeding their input features to the nonlinear function. Analytically, 1) skipping the convolutional operation prevents the features from losing diversity; and 2) the "skipped" nodes enable gradients to be directly passed back, thus mitigating the gradient vanishing and model weights over-decaying issues. To demonstrate the superiority of SkipNode, we conduct extensive experiments on nine popular datasets, including both homophilic and heterophilic graphs, with different graph sizes on two typical tasks: node classification and link prediction. Specifically, 1) SkipNode has strong generalizability of being applied to various GCN-based models on different datasets and tasks; and 2) SkipNode outperforms recent state-of-the-art anti-over-smoothing plug-and-play modules, i.e., DropEdge and DropNode, in different settings. Code will be made publicly available on GitHub.


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