SLIP Walking over Rough Terrain via H-LIP Stepping and Backstepping-Barrier Function Inspired Quadratic Program
We present an advanced and novel control method to enable actuated Spring Loaded Inverted Pendulum model to walk over rough and challenging terrains. The high-level philosophy is the decoupling of the controls of the vertical and horizontal states. The vertical state is controlled via Backstepping-Barrier Function (BBF) based quadratic programs: a combination of control Lyapunov backstepping and control barrier function, both of which provide inequality constraints on the inputs. The horizontal state is stabilized via Hybrid-Linear Inverted Pendulum (H-LIP) based stepping, which has a closed-form formulation. Therefore, the implementation is computationally-efficient. We evaluate our method in simulation, which demonstrates the aSLIP walking over various terrains, including slopes, stairs, and general rough terrains with uncertainties.