Speeding Up Distributed Pseudo-tree Optimization Procedure with Cross Edge Consistency to Solve DCOPs

by   Mashrur Rashik, et al.

Distributed Pseudo-tree Optimization Procedure (DPOP) is a well-known message passing algorithm that has been used to provide optimal solutions of Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems (DCOPs) – a framework that is designed to optimize constraints in cooperative multi-agent systems. The traditional DCOP formulation does not consider those constraints that must be satisfied (also known as hard constraints), rather it concentrates only on soft constraints. However, the presence of both types of constraints are observed in a number of applications, such as Distributed Radio Link Frequency Assignment and Distributed Event Scheduling, etc. Although the combination of these types of constraints is recently incorporated in DPOP to solve DCOPs, scalability remains an issue for them as finding an optimal solution is NP-hard. Additionally, in DPOP, the agents are arranged as a DFS pseudo-tree. Recently it has been observed that the constructed pseudo-trees in this way often come to be chain-like and greatly impair the algorithm's performance. To address these issues, we develop an algorithm that speeds up the DPOP algorithm by reducing the size of the messages exchanged and increasing parallelism in the pseudo tree. Our empirical evidence suggests that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms by a significant margin.


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