Support vector machines/relevance vector machine for remote sensing classification: A review

by   Mahesh Pal, et al.

Kernel-based machine learning algorithms are based on mapping data from the original input feature space to a kernel feature space of higher dimensionality to solve a linear problem in that space. Over the last decade, kernel based classification and regression approaches such as support vector machines have widely been used in remote sensing as well as in various civil engineering applications. In spite of their better performance with different datasets, support vector machines still suffer from shortcomings such as visualization/interpretation of model, choice of kernel and kernel specific parameter as well as the regularization parameter. Relevance vector machines are another kernel based approach being explored for classification and regression with in last few years. The advantages of the relevance vector machines over the support vector machines is the availability of probabilistic predictions, using arbitrary kernel functions and not requiring setting of the regularization parameter. This paper presents a state-of-the-art review of SVM and RVM in remote sensing and provides some details of their use in other civil engineering application also.


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