Sustainable Recipes. A Food Recipe Sourcing and Recommendation System to Minimize Food Miles

by   Juan C. S. Herrera, et al.

Sustainable Recipes is a tool that (1) connects food recipes ingredient lists with the closest organic providers to minimize the distance that food travels from farm to food preparation site and (2) recommends recipes given a GPS coordinate to minimize food miles. Sustainable Recipes provides consumers, entrepreneurs, cooking enthusiasts, and restauranteurs in the United States and elsewhere with an easy to use interface to help them (1) connect with organic ingredient producers to source ingredients to produce food recipes minimizing food miles and (2) recommend recipes using locally grown food. The main academic contribution of Sustainable Recipes is to bridge the gap between two streams of literature in data science of food recipes: studies of food recipes and studies of food supply chains. The outcomes of the interphase are (1) a map visualization that highlights the location of the producers that can supply the ingredients for a food recipe along with a ticket consisting of their contact addresses and the food miles used to produce a recipe and (2) a list of recipes that minimize food miles for a given GPS coordinate in which the recipe is going to be produced.


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