The FIDS Theorems: Tensions between Multinode and Multicore Performance in Transactional Systems

by   Naama Ben-David, et al.

Traditionally, distributed and parallel transactional systems have been studied in isolation, as they targeted different applications and experienced different bottlenecks. However, modern high-bandwidth networks have made the study of systems that are both distributed (i.e., employ multiple nodes) and parallel (i.e., employ multiple cores per node) necessary to truly make use of the available hardware. In this paper, we study the performance of these combined systems and show that there are inherent tradeoffs between a system's ability to have fast and robust distributed communication and its ability to scale to multiple cores. More precisely, we formalize the notions of a fast deciding path of communication to commit transactions quickly in good executions, and seamless fault tolerance that allows systems to remain robust to server failures. We then show that there is an inherent tension between these two natural distributed properties and well-known multicore scalability properties in transactional systems. Finally, we show positive results; it is possible to construct a parallel distributed transactional system if any one of the properties we study is removed.


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