The Fog Development Kit: A Development Platform for SDN-based Edge-Fog Systems

by   Colton Powell, et al.

With the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT), fog computing has emerged to help traditional cloud computing in meeting scalability demands. Fog computing makes it possible to fulfill real-time requirements of applications by bringing more processing, storage, and control power geographically closer to edge devices. However, since fog computing is a relatively new field, there is no standard platform for research and development in a realistic environment, and this dramatically inhibits innovation and development of applications suitable for the fog. In response to these challenges, we propose the FDK: A Fog Development Kit for software-defined edge-fog systems. By providing high-level interfaces for allocating computing and networking resources, the FDK abstracts the complexities of fog computing from developers and enables rapid development of edge-fog systems. Also, the FDK supports the utilization of virtualized devices to create a highly realistic emulation environment, allowing fog application prototypes to be built with zero additional costs and enabling portability to a physical infrastructure. We evaluate the resource allocation performance of the FDK using a testbed, including eight edge devices, four fog nodes, and five OpenFlow switches. Our evaluations show that the delay of resource allocation and deallocation is less than 279ms and 256ms for 95 edge-fog transactions, respectively. Besides, we demonstrate that resource allocations are appropriately enforced and guaranteed, even amidst extreme network congestion.


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