The Landscape of Minimum Label Cut (Hedge Connectivity) Problem

by   Rupei Xu, et al.

Minimum Label Cut (or Hedge Connectivity) problem is defined as follows: given an undirected graph G=(V, E) with n vertices and m edges, in which, each edge is labeled (with one or multiple labels) from a label set L={ℓ_1,ℓ_2, ..., ℓ_|L|}, the edges may be weighted with weight set W ={w_1, w_2, ..., w_m}, the label cut problem(hedge connectivity) problem asks for the minimum number of edge sets(each edge set (or hedge) is the edges with the same label) whose removal disconnects the source-sink pair of vertices or the whole graph with minimum total weights(minimum cardinality for unweighted version). This problem is more general than edge connectivity and hypergraph edge connectivity problem and has a lot of applications in MPLS, IP networks, synchronous optical networks, image segmentation, and other areas. However, due to limited communications between different communities, this problem was studied in different names, with some important existing literature citations missing, or sometimes the results are misleading with some errors. In this paper, we make a further investigation of this problem, give uniform definitions, fix existing errors, provide new insights and show some new results. Specifically, we show the relationship between non-overlapping version(each edge only has one label) and overlapping version(each edge has multiple labels), by fixing the error in the existing literature; hardness and approximation performance between weighted version and unweighted version and some useful properties for further research.


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