The Simplest Thing That Can Possibly Work: Pseudo-Relevance Feedback Using Text Classification

by   Jimmy Lin, et al.

Motivated by recent commentary that has questioned today's pursuit of ever-more complex models and mathematical formalisms in applied machine learning and whether meaningful empirical progress is actually being made, this paper tries to tackle the decades-old problem of pseudo-relevance feedback with "the simplest thing that can possibly work". I present a technique based on training a document relevance classifier for each information need using pseudo-labels from an initial ranked list and then applying the classifier to rerank the retrieved documents. Experiments demonstrate significant improvements across a number of newswire collections, with initial rankings supplied by "bag of words" BM25 as well as from a well-tuned query expansion model. While this simple technique draws elements from several well-known threads in the literature, to my knowledge this exact combination has not previously been proposed and evaluated.


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