Tipsy cop and drunken robber: a variant of the cop and robber game on graphs

by   Pamela Harris, et al.

Motivated by a biological scenario illustrated in the YouTube video <> where a neutrophil chases a bacteria cell moving in random directions, we present a variant of the cop and robber game on graphs called the tipsy cop and drunken robber game. In this game, we place a tipsy cop and a drunken robber at different vertices of a finite connected graph G. The game consists of independent moves where the robber begins the game by moving to an adjacent vertex from where he began, this is then followed by the cop moving to an adjacent vertex from where she began. Since the robber is inebriated, he takes random walks on the graph, while the cop being tipsy means that her movements are sometimes random and sometimes intentional. Our main results give formulas for the probability that the robber is still free from capture after m moves of this game on highly symmetric graphs, such as the complete graphs, complete bipartite graphs, and cycle graphs. We also give the expected encounter time between the cop and robber for these families of graphs. We end the manuscript by presenting a general method for computing such probabilities and also detail a variety of directions for future research.


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