Uncertainty-based Query Strategies for Active Learning with Transformers

by   Christopher Schröder, et al.

Active learning is the iterative construction of a classification model through targeted labeling, enabling significant labeling cost savings. As most research on active learning has been carried out before transformer-based language models ("transformers") became popular, despite its practical importance, comparably few papers have investigated how transformers can be combined with active learning to date. This can be attributed to the fact that using state-of-the-art query strategies for transformers induces a prohibitive runtime overhead, which effectively cancels out, or even outweighs aforementioned cost savings. In this paper, we revisit uncertainty-based query strategies, which had been largely outperformed before, but are particularly suited in the context of fine-tuning transformers. In an extensive evaluation on five widely used text classification benchmarks, we show that considerable improvements of up to 14.4 percentage points in area under the learning curve are achieved, as well as a final accuracy close to the state of the art for all but one benchmark, using only between 0.4


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