Understanding Text-driven Motion Synthesis with Keyframe Collaboration via Diffusion Models

by   Dong Wei, et al.

The emergence of text-driven motion synthesis technique provides animators with great potential to create efficiently. However, in most cases, textual expressions only contain general and qualitative motion descriptions, while lack fine depiction and sufficient intensity, leading to the synthesized motions that either (a) semantically compliant but uncontrollable over specific pose details, or (b) even deviates from the provided descriptions, bringing animators with undesired cases. In this paper, we propose DiffKFC, a conditional diffusion model for text-driven motion synthesis with keyframes collaborated. Different from plain text-driven designs, full interaction among texts, keyframes and the rest diffused frames are conducted at training, enabling realistic generation under efficient, collaborative dual-level control: coarse guidance at semantic level, with only few keyframes for direct and fine-grained depiction down to body posture level, to satisfy animator requirements without tedious labor. Specifically, we customize efficient Dilated Mask Attention modules, where only partial valid tokens participate in local-to-global attention, indicated by the dilated keyframe mask. For user flexibility, DiffKFC supports adjustment on importance of fine-grained keyframe control. Experimental results show that our model achieves state-of-the-art performance on text-to-motion datasets HumanML3D and KIT.


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