Undoing Causal Effects of a Causal Broadcast Channel with Cooperating Receivers using Entanglement Resources

by   Stephen Diadamo, et al.

We analyse a communication scenario over a particular causal broadcast channel whose state depends on a modulo sum. The receivers of the broadcast receive channel state information and collaborate to determine the channel state as to decode their private messages. Further, the receivers of the broadcast can collude up to the minimum non-collusion condition to determine state information of the other non-colluding receivers. We analyse three resource scenarios for the receivers: receivers can share entanglement without classically communicating, can just use classical communication, or have both entanglement and classical communication. Using results from secure multi-party communication, we find that when the receivers can share entanglement and communicate classically, they can receive messages from the sender at a non-zero rate with verifiable secure collaboration. In the entanglement only case a positive capacity is not possible. In the classical communication case, a non-zero rate of communication is achievable but the communication complexity overhead grows quadratically in the number of receivers versus linear in the number of receivers with entanglement.


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