Universality of Approximate Message Passing algorithms and tensor networks

by   Tianhao Wang, et al.

Approximate Message Passing (AMP) algorithms provide a valuable tool for studying mean-field approximations and dynamics in a variety of applications. Although usually derived for matrices having independent Gaussian entries or satisfying rotational invariance in law, their state evolution characterizations are expected to hold over larger universality classes of random matrix ensembles. We develop several new results on AMP universality. For AMP algorithms tailored to independent Gaussian entries, we show that their state evolutions hold over broadly defined generalized Wigner and white noise ensembles, including matrices with heavy-tailed entries and heterogeneous entrywise variances that may arise in data applications. For AMP algorithms tailored to rotational invariance in law, we show that their state evolutions hold over matrix ensembles whose eigenvector bases satisfy only sign and permutation invariances, including sensing matrices composed of subsampled Hadamard or Fourier transforms and diagonal operators. We establish these results via a simplified moment-method proof, reducing AMP universality to the study of products of random matrices and diagonal tensors along a tensor network. As a by-product of our analyses, we show that the aforementioned matrix ensembles satisfy a notion of asymptotic freeness with respect to such tensor networks, which parallels usual definitions of freeness for traces of matrix products.


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