Verifiable Learning for Robust Tree Ensembles

by   Stefano Calzavara, et al.

Verifying the robustness of machine learning models against evasion attacks at test time is an important research problem. Unfortunately, prior work established that this problem is NP-hard for decision tree ensembles, hence bound to be intractable for specific inputs. In this paper, we identify a restricted class of decision tree ensembles, called large-spread ensembles, which admit a security verification algorithm running in polynomial time. We then propose a new approach called verifiable learning, which advocates the training of such restricted model classes which are amenable for efficient verification. We show the benefits of this idea by designing a new training algorithm that automatically learns a large-spread decision tree ensemble from labelled data, thus enabling its security verification in polynomial time. Experimental results on publicly available datasets confirm that large-spread ensembles trained using our algorithm can be verified in a matter of seconds, using standard commercial hardware. Moreover, large-spread ensembles are more robust than traditional ensembles against evasion attacks, while incurring in just a relatively small loss of accuracy in the non-adversarial setting.


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