ViKiNG: Vision-Based Kilometer-Scale Navigation with Geographic Hints
Robotic navigation has been approached as a problem of 3D reconstruction and planning, as well as an end-to-end learning problem. However, long-range navigation requires both planning and reasoning about local traversability, as well as being able to utilize information about global geography, in the form of a roadmap, GPS, or other side information, which provides important navigational hints but may be low-fidelity or unreliable. In this work, we propose a learning-based approach that integrates learning and planning, and can utilize side information such as schematic roadmaps, satellite maps and GPS coordinates as a planning heuristic, without relying on them being accurate. Our method, ViKiNG, incorporates a local traversability model, which looks at the robot's current camera observation and a potential subgoal to infer how easily that subgoal can be reached, as well as a heuristic model, which looks at overhead maps and attempts to estimate the distance to the destination for various subgoals. These models are used by a heuristic planner to decide the best next subgoal in order to reach the final destination. Our method performs no explicit geometric reconstruction, utilizing only a topological representation of the environment. Despite having never seen trajectories longer than 80 meters in its training dataset, ViKiNG can leverage its image-based learned controller and goal-directed heuristic to navigate to goals up to 3 kilometers away in previously unseen environments, and exhibit complex behaviors such as probing potential paths and doubling back when they are found to be non-viable. ViKiNG is also robust to unreliable maps and GPS, since the low-level controller ultimately makes decisions based on egocentric image observations, using maps only as planning heuristics. For videos of our experiments, please check out