Weak Limits for Empirical Entropic Optimal Transport: Beyond Smooth Costs

by   Alberto González-Sanz, et al.

We establish weak limits for the empirical entropy regularized optimal transport cost, the expectation of the empirical plan and the conditional expectation. Our results require only uniform boundedness of the cost function and no smoothness properties, thus emphasizing the far-reaching regularizing nature of entropy penalization. To derive these results, we employ a novel technique that sidesteps the intricacies linked to empirical process theory and the control of suprema of function classes determined by the cost. Instead, we perform a careful linearization analysis for entropic optimal transport with respect to an empirical L^2-norm, which enables a streamlined analysis. As a consequence, our work gives rise to new implications for a multitude of transport-based applications under general costs, including pointwise distributional limits for the empirical entropic optimal transport map estimator, kernel methods as well as regularized colocalization curves. Overall, our research lays the foundation for an expanded framework of statistical inference with empirical entropic optimal transport.


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