WebFlow: Scalable and Decentralized Routing for Payment Channel Networks with High Resource Utilization

by   Xiaoxue Zhang, et al.

Payment channel networks (PCNs) have been designed and utilized to address the scalability challenge and throughput limitation of blockchains. Routing is a core problem of PCNs. An ideal PCN routing method needs to achieve 1) high scalability that can maintain low per-node memory and communication cost for large PCNs, 2) high resource utilization of payment channels, and 3) the privacy of users. However, none of the existing PCN systems consider all these requirements. In this work, we propose WebFlow, a distributed routing solution for PCNs, which only requires each user to maintain localized information and can be used for massive-scale networks with high resource utilization. We make use of two distributed data structures: multi-hop Delaunay triangulation (MDT) originally proposed for wireless networks and our innovation called distributed Voronoi diagram. We propose new protocols to generate a virtual Euclidean space in order to apply MDT to PCNs and use the distributed Voronoi diagram to enhance routing privacy. We conduct extensive simulations and prototype implementation to further evaluate WebFlow. The results using real and synthetic PCN topologies and transaction traces show that WebFlow can achieve extremely low per-node overhead and a high success rate compared to existing methods.


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