The paper considers the SUPPORTED model of distributed computing introdu...
Clustering with outliers is one of the most fundamental problems in Comp...
A square coloring of a graph G is a coloring of the square G^2 of G,
The Delaunay graph of a point set P ⊆ℝ^2 is the
plane graph with the ver...
Assume we are given a graph G, two independent sets S and T in G of
A graph G is well-covered if every minimal vertex cover of G is minimum,...
Given a graph G=(V,E) and an integer k, the Minimum Membership Dominatin...
In the literature on parameterized graph problems, there has been an
A graph H is p-edge colorable if there is a coloring ψ: E(H)
Art Gallery is a fundamental visibility problem in Computational Geometr...
We present fixed parameter tractable algorithms for the conflict-free