We provide a simplified proof of the random k-XORSAT satisfiability
We study the group testing problem where the goal is to identify a set o...
We study the Consensus problem among n agents, defined as follows.
We study the performance of Markov chains for the q-state ferromagnetic
We derive a sufficient condition for a sparse random matrix with given
Corroborating a prediction from statistical physics, we prove that the B...
The Ising antiferromagnet is an important statistical physics model with...
Random factor graphs provide a powerful framework for the study of infer...
We show that throughout the satisfiable phase the normalised number of
In non-adaptive group testing we aim to identify a small set of k∼
n^θ i...
Generalising prior work on the rank of random matrices over finite field...
Guided by the theory of graph limits, we investigate a variant of the cu...
In the group testing problem we aim to identify a small number of infect...
We prove that a formula predicted on the basis of non-rigorous physics
We determine the rank of a random matrix A over a finite field with
Random constraint satisfaction problems play an important role in comput...
Let A be a random m× n matrix over the finite field F_q with
precisely k...
In this paper, we consider the problem of partitioning a small data samp...