Educational games are commonly used to motivate students and provide enh...
Knowledge in Computer Science (CS) is essential, and companies have incr...
Recent studies from all over the world show that more boys than girls pl...
The number of women in IT-related disciplines is far below the number of...
Although teenage girls engage in coding courses, only a small percentage...
Most of the 700 million teenagers everywhere in the world already have t...
The next generation of jobs will be characterized by an increased demand...
The constructionist approach is more interested in constructing personal...
Game jams are a way to create games under fast-paced conditions and cert...
This paper will present a cross-European experience of game jams as part...
Learning theories emphasize the importance of intrinsic and extrinsic
Game creation challenges in schools potentially provide engaging,
The number of women in technical fields is far below the average number ...
The widespread use of mobile phones is changing how learning takes place...