Gait recognition holds the promise of robustly identifying subjects base...
The increasingly pervasive facial recognition (FR) systems raise serious...
The increasingly pervasive facial recognition (FR) systems raise serious...
Whole-body-based human authentication is a promising approach for remote...
Adversarial training (AT) is considered to be one of the most reliable
Recent studies have shown that robustness to adversarial attacks can be
Object detection plays a key role in many security-critical systems.
The adversarial attack literature contains a myriad of algorithms for
Adversarial training is a popular defense strategy against attack threat...
Image degradation due to atmospheric turbulence is common while capturin...
We present a deep-learning approach to restore a sequence of
Turbulence-degraded image frames are distorted by both turbulent deforma...
Image retargeting aims to resize an image to one with a prescribed aspec...
We address the problem of restoring a high-quality image from an observe...