Radial basis function neural networks (RBFNN) are well-known for
their c...
We suggest the first system that runs real-time semantic segmentation vi...
(j,k)-projective clustering is the natural generalization of the family ...
Many path planning algorithms are based on sampling the state space. Whi...
In the monitoring problem, the input is an unbounded stream
P=p_1,p_2⋯ o...
The Perspective-n-Point problem aims to estimate the relative pose betwe...
A strong coreset for the mean queries of a set P in ℝ^d
is a small weigh...
Coreset of a given dataset and loss function is usually a small weighed ...
A k-decision tree t (or k-tree) is a recursive partition of a matrix
We present a novel global compression framework for deep neural networks...
We develop an online learning algorithm for identifying unlabeled data p...
The goal of the alignment problem is to align a (given) point cloud P
= ...
In projective clustering we are given a set of n points in R^d and wish ...
In optimization or machine learning problems we are given a set of items...
A common approach for compressing NLP networks is to encode the embeddin...
A common technique for compressing a neural network is to compute the
Coreset is usually a small weighted subset of n input points in
R^d, tha...
PAC-learning usually aims to compute a small subset
(ε-sample/net) from ...
The input to the sets-k-means problem is an integer k≥ 1 and a
set P={P_...
We present an efficient coreset construction algorithm for large-scale
In streaming Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), d-dimensional rows of a...
We present a provable, sampling-based approach for generating compact
A coreset (or core-set) of an input set is its small summation, such tha...
We introduce a pruning algorithm that provably sparsifies the parameters...
Model compression provides a means to efficiently deploy deep neural net...
An ε-coreset for Least-Mean-Squares (LMS) of a matrix
A∈R^n× d is a smal...
An ε-coreset for a given set D of n points, is usually a
small weighted ...
Least-mean squares (LMS) solvers such as Linear / Ridge / Lasso-Regressi...
The k-means for lines is a set of k centers (points) that minimizes the ...
The ℓ_p linear regression problem is to minimize f(x)=||Ax-b||_p over
A brain-computer interface (BCI) based on the motor imagery (MI) paradig...
We suggest a new optimization technique for minimizing the sum ∑_i=1^n
We develop and analyze a method to reduce the size of a very large set o...
The deployment of state-of-the-art neural networks containing millions o...
Coreset (or core-set) in this paper is a small weighted subset Q of
the ...
Given a set S of n d-dimensional points, the k-nearest neighbors
(KNN) i...
How can we train a statistical mixture model on a massive data set? In t...
A coreset (or core-set) of a dataset is its semantic compression with re...