Dejing Dou
Dejing Dou is a Professor in the Computer and Information Science Department at the University of Oregon and leads the Advanced Integration and Mining (AIM) Lab. He is also the Director of the NSF IUCRC Center for Big Learning (CBL). He received his bachelor degree from Tsinghua University, China in 1996 and his Ph.D. degree from Yale University in 2004. His research areas include artificial intelligence, data mining, data integration, information extraction, and health informatics. Dejing Dou has published more than 100 research papers, some of which appear in prestigious conferences and journals like AAAI, IJCAI, ICML, ICLR, KDD, ICDM, ACL, EMNLP, CIKM, ISWC, JIIS and JoDS. His DEXA'15 paper received the best paper award. His KDD'07 paper was nominated for the best research paper award. He is on the Editorial Boards of Journal on Data Semantics, Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, and PLOS ONE. He has been serving as program committee members for various international conferences and as program co-chairs for five of them. Dejing Dou is on sabbatical leave to serve the Head of Big Data Lab, Baidu Research, since the September of 2019.