While recent work on online goal recognition efficiently infers goals un...
Goal Recognition is the task of discerning the correct intended goal tha...
Behavioural cloning is an imitation learning technique that teaches an a...
Hierarchical Task Networks (HTN) planners generate plans using a
Most approaches for goal recognition rely on specifications of the possi...
Contracts underlie most modern commercial transactions defining define t...
Markov Decision Process (MDP) is the underlying model for optimal planni...
Recent approaches to goal recognition have leveraged planning landmarks ...
Societal rules, as exemplified by norms, aim to provide a degree of
Behavioral cloning is an imitation learning technique that teaches an ag...
Configuring databases for efficient querying is a complex task, often ca...
Brain imaging of mental health, neurodevelopmental and learning disorder...
Recent approaches to goal and plan recognition using classical planning
Imitation from observation is a computational technique that teaches an ...
Computer-based assistants have recently attracted much interest due to i...
Goal recognition is the problem of inferring the correct goal towards wh...
The task of recognizing goals and plans from missing and full observatio...
Assessing whether an agent has abandoned a goal or is actively pursuing ...
Approaches to goal recognition have progressively relaxed the requiremen...
Recent approaches to goal recognition have progressively relaxed the
Recognition of goals and plans using incomplete evidence from action