We investigate the concept of effective resistance in connection graphs,...
Motivated by the need to address the degeneracy of canonical Laplace lea...
A common challenge in applying graph machine learning methods is that th...
Interpretable methods for extracting meaningful building blocks (BBs)
Finding meaningful representations and distances of hierarchical data is...
Given a set of overlapping local views (patches) of a dataset, we consid...
Selecting subsets of features that differentiate between two conditions ...
Graphons are general and powerful models for generating graphs of varyin...
Given the exponential growth of the volume of the ball w.r.t. its radius...
There has been great interest in enhancing the robustness of neural netw...
Probabilistic generative models provide a flexible and systematic framew...
We present Low Distortion Local Eigenmaps (LDLE), a manifold learning
Deep neural networks are known to be vulnerable to adversarial examples,...
A low-dimensional dynamical system is observed in an experiment as a
Graph signal processing (GSP) is an important methodology for studying
Understanding why and how certain neural networks outperform others is k...
Calcium imaging has become a fundamental neural imaging technique, aimin...
The extraction of clusters from a dataset which includes multiple cluste...
Representation learning is typically applied to only one mode of a data
If we pick n random points uniformly in [0,1]^d and connect each point t...
We consider the analysis of high dimensional data given in the form of a...
Let (M,g) be a compact manifold and let -Δϕ_k = λ_k ϕ_k
be the sequence ...
In the wake of recent advances in experimental methods in neuroscience, ...
Non-linear manifold learning enables high-dimensional data analysis, but...