The real life time series are usually nonstationary, bringing a difficul...
Large variability between cell lines brings a difficult optimization pro...
Compression also known as entropy coding has a rich and long history.
While there is a general focus on predictions of values, mathematically ...
While there is a general focus on prediction of values, real data often ...
SVD (singular value decomposition) is one of the basic tools of machine
Rapid growth of genetic databases means huge savings from improvements i...
Many data compressors regularly encode probability distributions for ent...
While it is a common knowledge that AC coefficients of Fourier-related
Image compression with upsampling encodes information to succeedingly
While standard estimation assumes that all datapoints are from probabili...
While one-dimensional Markov processes are well understood, going to hig...
In stochastic gradient descent, especially for neural network training, ...
Data compression often subtracts predictor and encodes the difference
Deep neural networks are usually trained with stochastic gradient descen...
In situations like tax declarations or analyzes of household budgets we ...
Evaluating distance between sample distribution and the wanted one, usua...
US Yield curve has recently collapsed to its most flattened level since
While we are usually focused on predicting future values of time series,...
Machine learning often needs to estimate density from a multidimensional...
Machine learning often needs to estimate density from a multidimensional...
One of basic difficulties of machine learning is handling unknown rotati...