Optical see-through head-mounted displays (OST HMDs) are a popular outpu...
Learning and practicing table tennis with traditional methods is a long,...
VR has recently been promoted as a tool for knowledge workers and studie...
While the promise of autonomous vehicles has led to significant scientif...
A critical component of user studies is gaining access to a representati...
In this paper, we describe the results of replicating one of our studies...
The durability of facades is heavily affected by multiple factors like
Learning vocabulary in a primary or secondary language is enhanced when ...
Virtual Reality (VR) provides new possibilities for modern knowledge wor...
Virtual Reality (VR) has the potential to support mobile knowledge worke...
Virtual and Augmented Reality have the potential to change information w...
An increasing number of consumer-oriented head-mounted displays (HMD) fo...
This chapter gives an overview of interaction techniques for mixed reali...
As more people work from home or during travel, new opportunities and
With the rise of natural user interfaces, immersive analytics applicatio...
Virtual Reality (VR) has the potential to transform knowledge work. One
Virtual Reality (VR) can enhance the display and interaction of mobile
Research in user interaction with mixed reality environments using multi...
Virtual Reality enables the exploration of large information spaces. In
Optical see-through head-mounted displays (OST HMDs) typically display
Physical keyboards are common peripherals for personal computers and are...
Virtual Reality has the potential to change the way we work. We envision...
Computer Vision-based natural feature tracking is at the core of modern
We propose a set of techniques leveraging mobile devices as lenses to
We study the performance and user experience of two popular mainstream t...
Alphanumeric text entry is a challenge for Virtual Reality (VR) applicat...
With the rising popularity of Augmented and Virtual Reality, there is a ...
Optical see-through head-mounted displays (OST HMDs) are a major output
Authoring location-based experiences involving multiple participants,
Digitalization offers chances as well as risks for industrial companies....
Around-device interaction techniques aim at extending the input space us...
Smartphones are a popular device class for mobile Augmented Reality but
Handheld Augmented Reality commonly implements some variant of magic len...