It has long been established that predictive models can be transformed i...
Transformers have impressive generalization capabilities on tasks with a...
Memory-based meta-learning is a technique for approximating Bayes-optima...
Meta-training agents with memory has been shown to culminate in Bayes-op...
Reliable generalization lies at the heart of safe ML and AI. However,
Policy regularization methods such as maximum entropy regularization are...
We extend temporal-difference (TD) learning in order to obtain
The recent phenomenal success of language models has reinvigorated machi...
In the past decade, model-free reinforcement learning (RL) has provided
As machine learning systems become more powerful they also become
Cumulative entropy regularization introduces a regulatory signal to the
Empowerment is an information-theoretic method that can be used to
We propose a novel framework for multi-task reinforcement learning (MTRL...
Within the context of video games the notion of perfectly rational agent...
In this paper, we methodologically address the problem of cumulative rew...
Information-theoretic principles for learning and acting have been propo...
Deviations from rational decision-making due to limited computational
A perfectly rational decision-maker chooses the best action with the hig...
We propose a novel Bayesian approach to solve stochastic optimization