When robots entered our day-to-day life, the shared space surrounding hu...
Prototyping compact devices with unique form factors often requires the ...
We propose an algorithmic framework of a pluripotent structure evolving ...
For centuries, human civilizations devised metal forming techniques to m...
Most consumer-level low-cost unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have limite...
Designing a robot or structure that can fold itself into a target shape ...
When the human-robot interactions become ubiquitous, the environment
This paper presents the first purely numerical (i.e., non-algebraic)
Robotic shepherding problem considers the control and navigation of a gr...
This study starts from the counter-intuitive question of how we can rend...
Origami structures enabled by folding and unfolding can create complex 3...
The ability to edit materials of objects in images is desirable by many
In digital painting software, layers organize paintings. However, layers...