Knowledge Graphs (KGs) play a crucial role in enhancing e-commerce syste...
Recent studies on Next-basket Recommendation (NBR) have achieved much
The complementary item recommender system (CIRS) recommends the compleme...
Through recent advancements in speech technologies and introduction of s...
Recently, Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have proven their effectiveness f...
The recent work by Rendle et al. (2020), based on empirical observations...
Selecting the optimal recommender via online exploration-exploitation is...
Category recommendation for users on an e-Commerce platform is an import...
Sequential deep learning models such as RNN, causal CNN and attention
Product embeddings have been heavily investigated in the past few years,...
Recommender systems are popular tools for information retrieval tasks on...
E-commerce platforms consistently aim to provide personalized recommenda...
Recommender systems are an essential part of any e-commerce platform.
Recommender Systems have become an integral part of online e-Commerce
The feedback data of recommender systems are often subject to what was
Searching for and making decisions about products is becoming increasing...
The problem of basket recommendation (BR) is to recommend a ranking list...
Through recent advancements in speech technology and introduction of sma...
Inductive representation learning on temporal graphs is an important ste...
Within-basket recommendation reduces the exploration time of users, wher...
Sequential modelling with self-attention has achieved cutting edge
In this paper, we propose a new product knowledge graph (PKG) embedding
With growing consumer adoption of online grocery shopping through platfo...
We propose a novel learning framework to answer questions such as "if a ...
Modeling item complementariness and user preferences from purchase data ...
Modeling generative process of growing graphs has wide applications in s...
In a wide variety of applications, including personalization, we want to...
Some types of medical and topographic imaging device produce images in w...