The streaming model was introduced to parameterized complexity independe...
Enumeration kernelization was first proposed by Creignou et al. [TOCS 20...
We study the CONNECTED η-TREEDEPTH DELETION problem where the input
Majority illusion occurs in a social network when the majority of the ne...
In the literature on parameterized graph problems, there has been an
Directed Feedback Vertex Set (DFVS) is a fundamental computational
We introduce the Constrained Least-cost Tour (CLT) problem: given an
The Connected Vertex Cover problem, where the goal is to compute a minim...
Let G be an undirected simple graph having n vertices and let f be a fun...
We study the first-order (FO) model checking problem of dense graphs, na...
A set of vertices W in a graph G is called resolving if for any two
Given a Counting Monadic Second Order (CMSO) sentence ψ, the
CMSO[ψ] pro...
In this paper we revisit the classical Edge Disjoint Paths (EDP) problem...