For a graph class 𝒢, we define the 𝒢-modular
cardinality of a graph G as...
Several classical combinatorial problems have been considered and analys...
Structural graph parameters play an important role in parameterized
Several NP-hard problems are solved exactly using exponential-time branc...
Phylogenetic networks are increasingly being considered as better suited...
Motivated by computing duplication patterns in sequences, a new fundamen...
In this paper, we start with a variation of the star cover problem calle...
Evolutionary scenarios describing the evolution of a family of genes wit...
A graph G is a PCG if there exists an edge-weighted tree such that each
A graph G is a k-leaf power if there exists a tree T whose leaf set is
Several implicit methods to infer Horizontal Gene Transfer (HGT) focus o...
Recently, a conjecture due to Hendry was disproved which stated that eve...
During cancer progression, malignant cells accumulate somatic mutations ...
Recently, due to the genomic sequence analysis in several types of cance...
The history of gene families – which are equivalent to event-labeled gen...
In computational biology, tandem duplication is an important biological
Motivated by concerns about diversity in social networks, we consider th...
Two robots stand at the origin of the infinite line and are tasked with
Consider two robots that start at the origin of the infinite line in sea...
Reconciling gene trees with a species tree is a fundamental problem to
A multilabeled tree (or MUL-tree) is a rooted tree in which every leaf i...