Neural fields, also known as implicit neural representations, have emerg...
Data augmentation is used in machine learning to make the classifier
Bayesian formulations of deep learning have been shown to have compellin...
Marginal-likelihood based model-selection, even though promising, is rar...
Efficient low-variance gradient estimation enabled by the reparameteriza...
In this paper we argue that in Bayesian deep learning, the frequently
Interpretable predictions, where it is clear why a machine learning mode...
We propose Learned Accept/Reject Sampling (LARS), a method for construct...
Generalising well in supervised learning tasks relies on correctly
This paper develops a general framework for data efficient and versatile...
The modulation transfer function (MTF) is widely used to characterise th...
This paper introduces a probabilistic framework for k-shot image
Good sparse approximations are essential for practical inference in Gaus...