Procedural city generation that focuses on believability and adaptabilit...
Retrosynthesis consists of breaking down a chemical compound recursively...
While deep reinforcement learning has shown important empirical success,...
Go-Explore achieved breakthrough performance on challenging reinforcemen...
Non-parametric episodic memory can be used to quickly latch onto high-re...
At first sight it may seem straightforward to use recurrent layers in De...
Autonomously trained agents that are supposed to play video games reason...
Go-Explore achieved breakthrough performance on challenging reinforcemen...
Reinforcement Learning (RL) is one of the most dynamic research areas in...
Learning to solve sparse-reward reinforcement learning problems is diffi...
The GDMC AI settlement generation challenge is a PCG competition about
Deep reinforcement learning has shown remarkable success in the past few...
The idea of transfer in reinforcement learning (TRL) is intriguing: bein...
Transfer learning can speed up training in machine learning and is regul...
AlphaZero has achieved impressive performance in deep reinforcement lear...
More and more, optimization methods are used to find diverse solution se...
Live Action Role-Playing (LARP) games and similar experiences are becomi...
Deep reinforcement learning has shown remarkable success in the past few...
Morpion Solitaire is a popular single player game, performed with paper ...
Choosing automatically the right algorithm using problem descriptors is ...
Recently, AlphaZero has achieved landmark results in deep reinforcement
The Obstacle Tower Challenge is the task to master a procedurally genera...
Decades of research have been invested in making computer programs for
Nowadays fake news are heavily discussed in public and political debates...
The landmark achievements of AlphaGo Zero have created great research
This paper reviews the field of Game AI, which not only deals with creat...
Since AlphaGo and AlphaGo Zero have achieved breakground successes in th...
From medicines to materials, small organic molecules are indispensable f...
Efficient global optimization is a popular algorithm for the optimizatio...
Retrosynthesis is a technique to plan the chemical synthesis of organic