Multitask learning is a powerful framework that enables one to simultane...
Nonstationary phenomena, such as satiation effects in recommendation, ar...
Tournament procedures, recently introduced in Lugosi Mendelson (2016...
We introduce and analyze AdaTask, a multitask online learning algorithm ...
Motivated by the fact that humans like some level of unpredictability or...
In practice, and more especially when training deep neural networks, vis...
We introduce and analyze MT-OMD, a multitask generalization of Online Mi...
Issued from Optimal Transport, the Wasserstein distance has gained impor...
In contrast to the empirical mean, the Median-of-Means (MoM) is an estim...
Operator-Valued Kernels (OVKs) and Vector-Valued Reproducing Kernel Hilb...
With the deluge of digitized information in the Big Data era, massive
This paper investigates a novel algorithmic approach to data representat...