Driven by exploring the power of quantum computation with a limited numb...
We propose a quantum sample-to-query lifting theorem. It reveals a quadr...
We propose the first online quantum algorithm for zero-sum games with Õ(...
Lexicographically minimal string rotation is a fundamental problem on st...
The palindromic tree (a.k.a. eertree) is a linear-size data structure th...
We propose a series of quantum algorithms for computing a wide range of
Lexicographically minimal string rotation (LMSR) is a problem to find th...
Positive Unlabeled (PU) learning is widely used in many applications, wh...
Random access machines (RAMs) and random access stored-program machines
Millimeter wave (mmWave) with large-scale antenna arrays is a promising
Exploration efficiency is a challenging problem in multi-agent reinforce...
This paper defines a notion of quantum Büchi automaton (QBA for short) w...