When taking images against strong light sources, the resulting images of...
Existing knowledge distillation methods typically work by imparting the
Pseudo labeling is a popular and effective method to leverage the inform...
Evaluating the performance of low-light image enhancement (LLE) is highl...
Physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) have effectively been demonstra...
Deep neural networks trained with standard cross-entropy loss are more p...
Partial label learning (PLL) is a typical weakly supervised learning
In this paper, we study the partial multi-label (PML) image classificati...
Adversarial training, originally designed to resist test-time adversaria...
Existing active learning studies typically work in the closed-set settin...
Traditional supervised learning requires ground truth labels for the tra...
Class-conditional noise commonly exists in machine learning tasks, where...
In addition to high accuracy, robustness is becoming increasingly import...
Imitation learning is a primary approach to improve the efficiency of
Delusive poisoning is a special kind of attack to obstruct learning, whe...
Reinforcement learning has achieved great success in various application...
Supervised machine learning methods usually require a large set of label...
In real-world recognition/classification tasks, limited by various objec...
Deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in variou...
Feature missing is a serious problem in many applications, which may lea...
The Wisdom of Crowds (WOC), as a theory in the social science, gets a ne...