This research project investigates Lenia, an artificial life platform th...
As demand for computational resources reaches unprecedented levels, rese...
We propose a novel local learning rule for spiking neural networks in wh...
There is evidence that biological systems, such as the brain, work at a
In this work, we argue that the search for Artificial General Intelligen...
Voxel-based Soft Robots (VSRs) are a form of modular soft robots, compos...
The discovery of complex multicellular organism development took million...
While Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies are being progressively
Neuro-inspired models and systems have great potential for applications ...
Neural cellular automata (Neural CA) are a recent framework used to mode...
In living systems, we often see the emergence of the ingredients necessa...
Dynamical systems are capable of performing computation in a reservoir
In the brain, the structure of a network of neurons defines how these ne...
In this paper we present a set of key demarcations, particularly importa...
In this work, an evolutionary art project is presented where images are
In this work, a novel framework for the emergence of general intelligenc...
By default, the Linux network stack is not configured for highspeed larg...
Abruptions to the communication infrastructure happens occasionally, whe...
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) have been a prominent concept within
The Reservoir Computing (RC) paradigm utilizes a dynamical system, i.e.,...