In recent years, neural code translation has gained increasing attention...
Automatically generating regular expressions (abbrev. regexes) from natu...
Automatic query reformulation is a widely utilized technology for enrich...
Knowledge distillation (KD) has been extensively studied in single-label...
Monocular scene reconstruction from posed images is challenging due to t...
There is an emerging trend of using neural implicit functions for map
Traditional recommender systems are typically passive in that they try t...
While Transformers have had significant success in paragraph generation,...
Text-to-image synthesis aims to generate a photo-realistic and semantic
Co-saliency detection (CoSOD) aims at discovering the repetitive salient...
Recently, the cross-modal pre-training task has been a hotspot because o...
Pre-trained code representation models such as CodeBERT have demonstrate...
3D motion estimation including scene flow and point cloud registration h...
Learning program representations has been the core prerequisite of code
Estimating the accurate depth from a single image is challenging since i...
Recently, pre-trained programming language models such as CodeBERT have
Pre-trained language models (PLM) have marked a huge leap in neural dial...
There are increasing interests of studying the structure-from-motion (Sf...
Code comment has been an important part of computer programs, greatly
Recent advances in pre-trained language models have significantly improv...
Image-Text Matching is one major task in cross-modal information process...
The deep multi-view stereo (MVS) and stereo matching approaches generall...
Current image translation methods, albeit effective to produce high-qual...
In this paper, we are interested in generating an cartoon face of a pers...
Variational autoencoders (VAEs) have shown a promise in data-driven
Computer programs written in one language are often required to be porte...
Developers often wonder how to implement a certain functionality (e.g., ...
Recently, dropout has seen increasing use in deep learning. For deep
Recently, dropout has seen increasing use in deep learning. For deep
This paper considers Aspect-based Opinion Summarization (AOS) of reviews...