Graph and hypergraph representation learning has attracted increasing
This work focuses on the persistent monitoring problem, where a set of
Trading off performance guarantees in favor of scalability, the Multi-Ag...
Gamma-Phi losses constitute a family of multiclass classification loss
Generating agents that can achieve Zero-Shot Coordination (ZSC) with uns...
Open relation extraction (OpenRE) is the task of extracting relation sch...
Recent research in the theory of overparametrized learning has sought to...
Purpose of review: Recent advances in sensing, actuation, and computatio...
Learning from label proportions (LLP) is a weakly supervised classificat...
Decentralized cooperation in partially-observable multi-agent systems
Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) theory has so far been unable to explain the sm...
Video super-resolution has recently become one of the most important
Recent empirical evidence suggests that the Weston-Watkins support vecto...
Student reviews and comments on reflect realistic
Big data management aims to establish data hubs that support data in mul...
Multiclass extensions of the support vector machine (SVM) have been
Automatic question generation according to an answer within the given pa...
This work proves a new result on the correct convergence of Min-Sum Loop...