This paper considers an empirical risk minimization problem under
We introduce Epsilon*, a new privacy metric for measuring the privacy ri...
In many practical applications of differential privacy, practitioners se...
Given a traversal algorithm, cover time is the expected number of steps
We propose kernel PCA as a method for analyzing the dependence structure...
We study an important variant of the stochastic multi-armed bandit (MAB)...
In this paper, we provide an extension of confidence sequences for setti...
A novel topological-data-analytical (TDA) method is proposed to distingu...
We propose a spectral clustering algorithm for analyzing the dependence
We consider a multi-armed bandit problem motivated by situations where o...
We make a simple observation that facilitates valid likelihood-based
Given an iid sequence of pairs of stochastic processes on the unit inter...
In this paper we are concerned with the analysis of heavy-tailed data wh...