Phylogenetic networks are a flexible model of evolution that can represe...
The canonical formulation of federated learning treats it as a distribut...
Prompting has shown impressive success in enabling large pretrained lang...
Robust and efficient interpretation of QSAR methods is quite useful to
Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) is the predominant algorithm for tra...
Low-precision deep neural network (DNN) training has gained tremendous
Influence functions approximate the 'influences' of training data-points...
Policy gradients-based reinforcement learning has proven to be a promisi...
Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) attack, also known as directed threat
This paper presents an adaptive randomized algorithm for computing the
Domain adaptation performance of a learning algorithm on a target domain...
Multi-task learning (MTL) has achieved success over a wide range of prob...
Sentence simplification aims to improve readability and understandabilit...
An accurate abstractive summary of a document should contain all its sal...
Video denoising refers to the problem of removing "noise" from a video
Emojis, as a new way of conveying nonverbal cues, are widely adopted in
Given a matrix of observed data, Principal Components Analysis (PCA) com...