With the advent of digital communication, securing digital images during...
A fish farm is an area where fish raise and bred for food. Fish farm
In the past, citizen identity has been used within siloed data areas, an...
The financial crisis made companies around the world search for cheaper ...
E-governance is a process that aims to enhance a government's ability to...
Ransomware has become an increasingly popular type of malware across the...
Threat information sharing is considered as one of the proactive defensi...
The spread of COVID-19 has highlighted the need for a robust contact tra...
Little or no research has been directed to analysis and researching fore...
The continuously advancing digitization has provided answers to the
As the internet continues to be populated with new devices and emerging
A common privacy issue in traditional machine learning is that data need...
Electronic health record (EHR) management systems require the adoption o...
The outbreak of viruses have necessitated contact tracing and infection
The Domain Name System (DNS) was created to resolve the IP addresses of ...
A large majority of cheap Internet of Things (IoT) devices that arrive b...
When training a machine learning model, it is standard procedure for the...
Phishing is considered to be one of the most prevalent cyber-attacks bec...
Insider threats continue to present a major challenge for the informatio...