In Time-Triggered (TT) or time-sensitive networks, the transmission of a...
A state-of-the-art large eddy simulation code has been developed to solv...
There is a significant need for the generation of virtual histological
Periporomechanmics is a strong nonlocal framework for modeling the mecha...
Histopathological analysis is crucial in artery characterization for cor...
The large-deformation mechanics and multiphysics of continuous or fractu...
Convolutional neural networks are prevailing in deep learning tasks. How...
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a cardiovascular condition with high
In this article we formulate and implement a computational multiphase
In this article we formulate a stable computational nonlocal poromechani...
We implement a computational periporomechanics model for simulating loca...
We use machine learning techniques to design a 50 ns three-qubit flux-tu...