Zhedong Zheng
About me
Hi! I am currently a postdoctoral research fellow at NExT++, School of Computing, National University of Singapore with Prof. Tat-Seng Chua.
2017 - 2021 I received Ph.D. from the ReLER Lab, University of Technology Sydney (UTS) , under the supervision of Prof. Yi Yang and Dr. Liang Zheng (co-supervisor).
2012 - 2016 I received my Bachelor’s degree from Fudan University in 2016, under the supervision of Prof. Xiangyang Xue.
2018, 2020 I was fortunate to spend my summer working with Xiaodong Yang (Nvida), Zhiding Yu (Nvidia), Jan Kautz (Nvidia), Minyue Jiang (Baidu) and Xiao Tan (Baidu).
Open-source projects can be found at my [Github], and publications can be found at SCI, SCOPUS, or Google Scholar.
More details can be found in my [CV].
If you are a NUS Undergraduate / Master student who is interested in doing research/project with me, please contact me via email with your CV. My current email address is zdzheng AT nus.edu.sg . We will have at least two mentors to guide you and provide gpu resource supports.
Research Statement
My work focuses on multi-view object matching and novel view synthesis and analysis, under a multi-camera scenario, e.g., swarm robotics, self-driving car, and smart city.
The child understands a 3D object, not from a still image, but from multiple images / videos capturing the target of interest from different viewpoints.
One paper on Adversarial Retrieval Attacking is accepted by IJCV 2022. [link]
One paper on 3D Human Re-id is accepted by TNNLS 2022. [link]
One AdaBoost Domain Adaptation paper is accepted by TIP 2022. [link]
One Drone-based Geolocalization paper is accepted by TIP 2022. [link]
One Nerf paper to appear at CVPR 2022. [link]
We are holding the special session at ICME 2022 on Beyond Accuracy: Responsible, Responsive, and Robust Multimedia Retrieval. [Call for papers]
My Ph.D. thesis was on the Chancellor's List.
I was awarded 2021 IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Outstanding Young Author Award. Thanks a lot for supports and understanding from my supervisors and friends. [link]
One paper on Uncertainty is accepted by IJCV 2021. [PDF] [code]
We have released a new Drone-view Geo-localization Dataset, ACM Multimedia 2020. [PDF] [Dataset] [Video] [Slide]
People live in a 3D world. Why not conduct representation learning in the 3D space? [arXiv] [code]
We have achieved the 1st place in AICity Challenge Vehicle Re-id Track, CVPR 2020. [code]
Two papers to appear at IJCAI 2020. [PDF1][code1][PDF2] [code2]
One paper to appear at CVPR 2019 as oral presentation. [PDF][3-min video] [code]
Shanghai is my hometown, and it is a lovely place to have a sightseeing tour.
I was a poster maker when I studied at Fudan University. You may check out my posters.
I sometimes write Chinese blogs and share insights at Zhihu.