We prove that every poset with bounded cliquewidth and with sufficiently...
We study a natural geometric variant of the classic Knapsack problem cal...
We prove that a number of computational problems that ask for the larges...
Dynamic programming on various graph decompositions is one of the most
Let d be a positive integer. For a finite set X ⊆ℝ^d,
we define its inte...
We show that the Maximum Weight Independent Set problem
(MWIS) can be so...
We prove that there is a randomized polynomial-time algorithm that given...
We present a data structure that for a dynamic graph G that is updated b...
We show that the edges of any planar graph of maximum degree at most 9 c...
A class of graphs 𝒞 is monadically stable if for any unary
expansion 𝒞 o...
In the directed detour problem one is given a digraph G and a pair of
In the Maximum Weight Independent Set of Rectangles problem (MWISR) we a...
The t-onion star is the digraph obtained from a star with 2t leaves by
We prove that Graph Isomorphism and Canonization in graphs excluding a f...
A set X ⊆ V(G) in a graph G is (q,k)-unbreakable if every
separation (A,...
For a fixed simple digraph H without isolated vertices, we consider the
In this paper, we introduce a new class of parameterized problems, which...
We study problems connected to first-order logic in graphs of bounded
We prove that for any triangle-free intersection graph of n axis-paralle...
The treedepth of a graph G is the least possible depth of an elimination...
We revisit classic string problems considered in the area of parameteriz...
Transductions are a general formalism for expressing transformations of
We prove that for every t∈ℕ there is a constant γ_t such
that every grap...
We give new decomposition theorems for classes of graphs that can be
We study Koebe orderings of planar graphs: vertex orderings obtained by
We introduce a new data structure for answering connectivity queries in
For every fixed d ∈ℕ, we design a data structure that
represents a binar...
Let φ be a sentence of 𝖢𝖬𝖲𝖮_2 (monadic second-order logic
with quantific...
We prove that every class of graphs 𝒞 that is monadically stable
and has...
The Isolation Lemma of Mulmuley, Vazirani and Vazirani [Combinatorica'87...
In the Disjoint Paths problem, the input is an undirected graph G on n
Tree-cut width is a graph parameter introduced by Wollan that is an anal...
We consider the problem of solving integer programs of the form min{ c^⊺...
Recently a strong connection has been shown between the tractability of
In a recent breakthrough work, Gartland and Lokshtanov [FOCS 2020] showe...
We study two notions of being well-structured for classes of graphs that...
We present a data structure that in a dynamic graph of treedepth at most...
We study the Max Partial H-Coloring problem: given a graph G,
find the l...
We study set systems definable in graphs using variants of logic with
A graph is called P_t-free if it does not contain a t-vertex path as an
We prove that if G is a sparse graph — it belongs to a fixed class of
For many algorithmic problems on graphs of treewidth t, a standard dynam...
We consider a classic rendezvous game where two players try to meet each...
We confirm Jones' Conjecture for subcubic graphs. Namely, if a subcubic
Let C and D be hereditary graph classes. Consider the
following problem:...
We prove that if C is a hereditary class of graphs that is
polynomially ...
An adjacency labeling scheme for a given class of graphs is an
In the Maximum Independent Set problem we are asked to find a set of pai...
We consider the k-Median problem on planar graphs: given an edge-weighte...
We consider the classic Facility Location problem on planar graphs